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I love to see the temple

Two Apostles Lead a Virtual Tour inside a Temple

Endowed with power: What to expect when receiving your temple endowment!

  • Personal Finances Course
    Personal Finances Course
    Multiple Dates
    Sun, 16 Feb
    Location is Villawood Stake Centre
    All are welcome to join the Personal Finance Course at Villawood Stake Centre every Sunday 5pm - 6pm starting on the 5th January 2025!

Meet our Missionaries

The Lord's Church has always been a missionary church. Just as Jesus Christ and his disciples preached the gospel, more than 84,000 missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are spreading His word today. They are called to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in all parts of the world. They voluntarily serve putting aside school, work and dating for about two years in order to serve the Lord.


Missionaries serving from the Sydney Fairfield Stake have been sent to all parts of the world. They have limited communication with family and friends, so emails are always welcome.

If you would like to arrange a visit or contact from a Missionary serving your area, please click here

Sister Fuaina Adrianna Hu'ihahau

Sister Fuaina Adrianna Hu'ihahau

Elder Daniel Curtis

Elder Daniel Curtis

Sister Vika Lokelani Feinga

Sister Vika Lokelani Feinga

Elder Tufihea Toli - He - Manupuna Tu'itavuki

Elder Tufihea Toli - He - Manupuna Tu'itavuki

Elder William Caldwell Taliai

Elder William Caldwell Taliai

Elder Takasima Saione Hu'ihahau

Elder Takasima Saione Hu'ihahau

Sister Sally Fung

Sister Sally Fung

Sister Mele'ana Fenunuti

Sister Mele'ana Fenunuti

Sister Polotu Faingaa Olakauatu

Sister Polotu Faingaa Olakauatu

Sister Joanna Leha'uli

Sister Joanna Leha'uli

Elder Kasima Filimoehala

Elder Kasima Filimoehala

Elder  Tevita Masima Jr

Elder Tevita Masima Jr

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