Fairfield Stake Youth Camp 2024
This form is for the Youth and Leaders wishing to register for the Fairfield Stake Youth Camp.
The Youth Camp will be held on 17-19 April 2024.
The Event Activity Leader is Lois Tai: Phone number is 0430-159-661: Email is jlo.tai@gmail.com
Physical Conditions That Limit Activity
Other Accommodations or Special Needs
I agree to abide by all the standards listed in the 'For Strength of Youth' booklet while participating at camp.
I am a voluntary participant in camp and I will accept full responsibility for my actions under all conditions. I also agree to aid other members of the group in behaving responsibly.
I understand and appreciate that there are inherent risks involved in this Stake-sponsored Camp which are beyond the control of the Stake staff and Ward leaders, and I agree to personally assume such risks.
I (and/or my guardian) understand this Camp and associated activities will be photographed and video recorded.
I/we consent to being photographed and/or recorded while participating in these events and authorize those photographs and recordings to be used, published and/or distributed including through online social media sites (such as YouTube, Facebook, twitter, blogs, etc.).
All adults must have a Working with Children Check (WWCC) Certification number.
And that certification number must be registered in the Church records.
If you require certification then Apply for a Working with Children Check
Then provide the certification number to your Bishop or Ward Clerk to update your church records.
I give permission for my child or youth to participate in the event and activities listed above (unless noted) and authorize the adult leaders supervising this event to administer emergency treatment to the abovenamed participant for any accident or illness and to act in my stead in approving necessary medical care. This authorization shall cover this event and travel to and from this event.
The participant is responsible for his or her own conduct and is aware of and agrees to abide by Church standards, camp or event safety rules, and other pertinent instructions. Participants’ conduct and interactions should abide by Church standards and exemplify Christlike behavior. Parents and participants should understand that participation in an activity is not a right but a privilege that can be revoked if they behave inappropriately or if they pose a risk to themselves or others.
Thanks for submitting, you will be contacted by Stake Youth Presidency